Smithfield FAQs
How do I contact customer services?
For any queries relating to the event or tickets, that are not covered in our FAQs, please contact our events manager Charlotte Teece on charlotte@smithfield-works.com
Will I receive a physical ticket(s)?
You will receive an online booking confirmation email with your tickets attached. Please bring your tickets with you to the event, either printed or on your mobile device, so that the QR code is visible.
Will I be allocated seating?
There will be enough space for everyone attending the event. Space for seating is allocated first come, first served on the grass area in front of the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. We advise you to attend early to reserve your space. You can sit on one of our deck chairs, which are complimentary or choose to bring your own seat/blanket to sit on. Take note of the weather and be mindful of your seating choice, particularly if it has rained in the days leading up to the event - no one wants a soggy blanket!
How do I reserve seats?
You may wish to bring something with you to reserve your space before the screening starts, like blankets. We cannot be held responsible for any personal belongings going missing during the event.
What if I’m in a wheelchair?
There will be wheel chair access. Please feel free to contact us for further information please charlotte@smithfield-works.com
I have a carer, can my carer attend the event with me?
Sure, just book an additional ticket for your carer.
What time does the film start?
Doors open at 6pm giving you access to the BBQ and the bar, and the ability to choose where to sit. The film will start at 8pm, we ask that all guests arrive no later than 15 minutes before the film start time.
Will there be food and drink?
Six at the Hilton will be serving food before each screening. There will also be film ready snacks and a fully stocked bar serving a range of alcoholic and soft drinks. We will be operating Challenge 25 so please remember to bring photographic identification to buy alcohol if you look or are under 25.
Children under the age of 16, can eat for free!
Can I bring my own food and drink?
For this event, in the grounds of Smithfield, guests are allowed to bring picnics if they wish, however we ask that no glass items are brought into the event, including bottled drinks. Knives will not be permitted (including cutlery items).
Guests are not allowed to bring their own alcohol into the event. To support with monitoring this, any drinks brought into the event must be sealed/unopened. Please note that security will be doing bag checks on arrival and any alcohol will be confiscated, you will be asked to take it away or dispose of it, before entering the event. You will be asked to leave the event if you are seen to be consuming alcohol during the event, which has not been purchased on site.
Is there a minimum age for this event?
Please check the age restriction for your chosen film by visiting the description for your chosen event. You will be asked to acknowledge that everyone in your group is of the correct certified age, when purchasing your event tickets. We may ask for photographic ID if you or anyone in your group looks under the certified age for your chosen film. We reserve the right to refuse entry if you are unable to present valid photographic proof of identity.
I have purchased an on-screen message, when will it be shown?
On screen messages are shown on the big screen 30 minutes before the film starts. Messages are displayed on rotation until shortly before the start of the film. Messages are not shown again after the film has finished. Refunds will not be given if you miss seeing your message. Any messages deemed inappropriate or offensive will not be shown, and refunds will not be given.
What should I wear?
Please dress for the weather. Be mindful that this is an outdoor event, and as the sun goes down, it can become much cooler, wrap up warm. As the event takes place on grass, we would recommend sensible shoes, as the ground can be a little uneven.
What should I bring?
Bring your E Tickets with you, either printed or on your mobile device. Please also dress appropriately (see "what should I wear?" above).
Can I smoke at the venue?
No, smoking is prohibited. You will need to leave the event to smoke.
Can I talk during the screening?
We politely ask attendees not to talk during the screening and not to disturb other guests. We reserve the right to remove guests from the screening, who continually disturb others.
Will there be toilet facilities?
Yes, there will be toilet facilities at the event.
Can I bring a dog/ pet with me?
We absolutely love dogs but unfortunately, we are unable to accept dogs or any other animals into the event.
Will this film have subtitles?
This film will not be subtitled, however you can download the app 'Subtitles Viewer!' on the app store for free. This app enables you to download the film's subtitles onto your device, which you can use whilst watching the film.
Is the event outside?
Yes, the screening will take place on the grass area in front of the Hilton Garden Inn. Please bring warm clothing with you as it may get cold at night and be prepared for the weather.
What if it is raining?
Our cinema events can go ahead come rain or shine. In the unlikely event that weather conditions present a danger to attendees and staff, we will notify you as soon as reasonably practicable and we may need to reschedule the event.